Mevdik portrait


Moonlit Monarch

"web design is my passion"

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Message Board: Updates on things of little importance

Message of the Day (APR/10/2023):

I saved a few screenshots of this site's evolution so you can see how it took form little by little, here they are!

v1_AUG_'22, v2_AUG_'22, v3_SEP_'22, v4_SEP_'22, v5_SEP_'22, v6_NOV_'22, v7_NOV_'22, v8_APR_'23, v9_APR_'23.

Message of the Day (APR/09/2023):

Some more style tweaks (especially to this message box!), not like I haven't been doing that every couple of months already but I just felt like actually writing about it here just so you know I'm still working on this thing. Should serve me as practice to better tackle remaking the whole ass webpage, which I have been neglecting for far too long...

Message of the Day (NOV/25/2022):

Finally changed some file names/URLs! Now this card acts as the index.html and the old index is renamed to home.html

Message of the Day (NOV/17/2022):

Shuffling some css, new pic on the left and a link to my Newgrounds account. Not much to say!

Message of the Day (NOV/13/2022):

Hewwow! Today I continue to mess with the style a bit and see if I like it better, still exprimenting... I am well aware that the site doesn't display correctly on mobile, I might get to that later, not a priority for me tho.

Message of the Day (NOV/11/2022):

Hello there! This page acts both as a card/link portal and a sneak peek into the redesign of the main website. Everything is kind of a mess over there right now, so bare with me as I finish the redesign and shift links around.

And yes, even the drawing on the left side is a work in progress, that is how unfinished this whole thing is lol.

And finally, the scrungle...

Look, I couldn't find anywhere else to place him right now, ok? I'll move him to the main site once I get the rework up and running, I promise...